Monday, June 29, 2009
Space Marine Assembly Underway
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Bacon and 40k
Salamanders vs. Chaos Space Marines 1500 points
Tactical Squad w/ Powerfist, Combi-Melta, Flamer and Multi-Melta & Rhino
Tactical Squad w/ Powerfist, Combi-Melta, Flamer and Multi-Melta & Rhino
Tactical Squad w/ Powerfist, Combi-Melta, Flamer and Multi-Melta & Rhino
Sternguard x5 w/ Combi-Melta x3, Combi-Flamer x1, Powerfist & Razorback
Assault Terminators w/ TH/SS x5
Land Raider Redeemer w/ Extra Armor
Chaos Marines (not exactly sure on the exacts)
Chaos Sorcerer w/ Lash
Plague Marines w/ Rhino
Khorne Berserkers, Skull Champion w/ Power Weapon
Noise Marines w/ Doom Siren, Power Weapon
Defiler w/ 2 DCCW
The mission was Seize Ground with 3 objectives. Deployment was table quarters.
I won the roll-off to place two objectives and placed one objective within my table quarter behind wall that blocked LOS to it. My opponent placed his objective in his table quarter near a building. The last objective was placed near the center of the table, slightly towards my corner.
Turn 1 Chaos: My opponent starts off by moving his two rhinos; the one carrying Plague Marines drives towards his objective and the one carrying Noise Marines drives towards the wall blocking LOS. His Defiler makes its way to my left flank in order to get a clear shot with its battlecannon. His Land Raider drives into LOS of my Land Raider Redeemer and takes a shot with a TL-Lascannon, penetrating and immobilizing my Land Raider. Defiler shoots its battlecannon at my Razorback, gets a direct hit and glances, shaking it.
Turn 1 Salamanders: One of the Rhinos moves up my left to support the Razorback, one comes up the right to support the Land Raider and the last sticks back to take the objective later in the game. Razorback and the Rhino on the right pop smoke, while my Redeemer unloads its assault cannon at the enemy Land Raider. All four shots hit, but only one manages to Rend getting a glancing hit and immobilizing the Land Raider.
Turn 2 Chaos: His rhinos continue on the way they were going, the Plague Marine rhino parking on the objective and the Noise Marine Rhino hugs the wall. Defiler continues to move up my left flank. The Land Raider takes a shot at my right Rhino, but I make my cover save. Defiler shoots his battlecannon at my Razorback again, but scatters off and doesn’t do anything.
Turn 2 Salamanders: Both my Razorback and my left Rhino move away from the Defiler, trying to bait it in closer. The Rhino on the right pulls back out of LOS of the Land Raider. The Redeemer lets rip with the assault cannon again, but fails to do anything.
Turn 3 Chaos: Defiler continues moving forward, while his Rhinos sit where they are. Defiler shoots his Battlecannon at my rhino waiting to take my objective, immobilizing it. Land Raider shoots his Lascannons at my Land Raider, penetrating and destroying my assault cannon.
Turn 3 Salamanders: Left Rhino drives up towards the defiler and pops smoke. Razorback moves forward a touch in order to get within Melta range of the Defiler next turn. The right Rhino moves up the field and disembarks, trying to bait his Khorne Berserkers out of the Land Raider and away from the objective. My Land Raider pops smoke.
Turn 4 Chaos: Noise Marines and the Sorcerer get out of their Rhino, while the Khorne Berserkers and Typhus get out of the Land Raider. Both squads move forward to get into position for the ensuing slaughter. The Defiler shoots its battlecannon at the Tactical Squad’s rhino but smoke saves me. Typhus and the Berserkers charge into the other tactical squad and slaughter 4 Tactical Marines, while I kill 2 Berserkers. ‘Miraculously’ I make my leadership test, staying in combat.
Turn 4 Salamanders: The Razorback inches forward while the left Rhino disembarks its crew. The right Rhino makes a small retreat. The left tactical squad fires its Combi-melta at the Defiler, immobilizing it. I surprisingly only lose two marines in my assault with the berserkers, while killing one of them in return. I pass my Morale check again.
Turn 5 Chaos: The Noise Marines and Sorcerer disembark from their Rhino and move into a better firing position. The Defiler then fires its battle-cannon at my objective Rhino, immobilizing it. The Sorcerer uses Lash to whip my guys into a teardrop formation, followed swiftly by sonic blasters and the Doom Siren. Two marines are left standing but are cut down in the following assault. The berserkers kill two marines and the last one flees for his life, successfully breaking away.
Turn 5 Salamanders: After that last round, I needed to do something to at least contest the objective in the middle for at least the tie. Luckily, I had a couple ideas. The Razorback drives up to 6 inches away and the Sternguard get out. The left Rhino moved up to block off LOS from the Noise Marines. The right Rhino tank-shocks 9 inches pushing the Berserkers away from the objective and coming within 3 inches to contest. My back tactical squad disembarks from their Rhino and moves up to the objective, while the retreating marine helps consolidate it. My Vulkan and my assault terminators disembark from my immobile land raider and move 6 inches and prepare to assault. Sternguard let rip with their Combi-Melta’s, destroying the battlecannon on the Defiler. Vulkan lets loose with his heavy flamer, killing 2 berserkers. Vulkan and the Terminators charge, Vulkan killing three Berserkers, Typhus killing two terminators, the Berserkers killing nothing and the Terminators kill Typhus. The remaining Berserkers pass their No Retreat saves.
We roll to see if the game goes on and it ends on turn 5 with a draw!
Things that I learned or am considering:
1) If I'm not playing Annihilation, split my tactical squads into combat squads so that the heavy weapons can do something.
2) I'm not sure if combi-melta's are reliable enough to replace meltaguns as dedicated anti-tank. This problem could be solved if I follow through on lesson 1.
3) Tank shock is awesome.
Any other things that I missed out on? C&C Welcome
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Time Well Spent
Friday, June 19, 2009
Eldar Farseer Jetbike Done!
It's been a while since I last posted, but I've been a busy, busy, busy bee helping my brother move to Fargo.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Bacon and 40k
- Farseer w/ Runes of Warding, Spirit Stones, Doom, Fortune, Jetbike and Singing Spear (178)
- 3 Warlocks all w/ Destructor, Singing Spear, and Jetbike (163)
- Autarch w/ Warp Jump Generator, Power Weapon, Mandiblasters, Fusion Gun (125)
- 10 Dire Avengers w/ Exarch, Dual Shuriken Catapult and Bladestorm (152)
- - Wave Serpent w/ Spirit Stones, Star Engines and TL Scatter Laser (140)
- 10 Dire Avengers w/ Exarch, Dual Shuriken Catapult and Bladestorm (152)
- - Wave Serpent w/ Spirit Stones, Star Engines and TL Scatter Laser (140)
- 9 Warp Spiders w/ Exarch, Dual Death Spinner, and Powerblades (225)
- Falcon w/ Scatter Laser, Vectored Engines, Star Engines, Holofields, Spirit Stones (210)
- Wraithlord w/ Wraithsword and Eldar Missile Launcher (125)
- 3 Dark Reapers w/ Exarch, Tempest Launcher and Crack Shot (137)

Friday, June 12, 2009
Farseer on Jetbike WIP
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Salamanders Lists 1750 - C&C?
Space Marine Chapters - How Can I Choose?
However, I've also been pushed away from painting an entire army for various reasons, such as Salamanders being overplayed, yellow being a pain the butt to paint, Ultramarines for sheer SMurfiness and Raven Guard for a relatively boring paint scheme.
It hit me today; why not do all of them? I would paint a squad or two in differing schemes depending on how fitting they are to that role, such as having Imperial Fist Devastators, Raven Guard Assault Squads, Salamander Termies, Ultramarine Scouts and a Tactical squad with equipment suiting each chapter).
How would I make this all work together? Well, that's the title. The entire army is fighting together at the Battle for Armageddon. Normally, different chapters will avoid working together due to a sense of pride or honor, but under extenuating circumstances multiple chapters will fight together. I would make each squad come together as an army through the use of basing; trying to go for a muddy, semi-urban, warzone that will look consistent on all infantry and vehicles.
Another plus that I just thought of is that it allows me paint chapter specific models and use them without any fret, meaning I can use Lysander, Vulkan or Sicarius at my whim; the idea is that they just happen to be at the frontline with all the other chapters present.
What do you guys think and how do you feel about this? Unfluffy, fluffy? A cheesy attempt to use Dorn/Shrike in the same list? This is probably just an idea that won't be fulfilled (I hate a hodge-podge looking army and unless the basing is fabulously successful, the idea will be nix'd.)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Warlock and Terminator Chaplain complete!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Guardian Defenders - Worth it?
In my last two games, I happened to notice that Guardian Defenderss are generally ineffective. Most of the time, they usually just end up sitting on an objective in my deployment zone and take potshots with a Scatter laser, but is ith worth the points?
- Guardians are cheap!
- They can hold an objective
- They have a heavy weapons platform
- Their armor save is effectively cardboard and most basic troops end up ignoring it.
- Shuriken Catapults have a piddly 12" range, meaning that their heavy weapon platform is the only mid-long range shooting they have
- BS 3, meaning that their heavy weapon platform is going to be missing 50% of the time